Let’s CoCreate a world
that benefits all

What Are You

Let’s CoCreate a world
that benefits all beings

What Are You

CoCreator Consciousness Courses

Awaken your cocreator consciousness with curated workshops and classes.

We offer ISA certified Sujok therapy classes and Usui Reiki certification. Our signature program – Ground to Soar – offers participants a modular structured course with healing certifications to become a conscious cocreator.

Books from CoCreator Circle

Gift yourself the work of authors who awaken cocreator consciousness in their very own styles and languages, with books of fiction, poetry, coaching, awareness, envisioning and more.

About the Founder

Meenakshi Suri, Founder of CoCreator Circle, Inc connects with individuals, small group and global movements that are bringing about a transformation of this world.  She has studied and taught comparative religion, metaphysics, meditation and the healing arts with formal education and teaching in Psychology, Management.  Sujok and Triorigin. She has lived and traveled in several continents and countries including her native India and has an expanding group of global students of lightwork, Reiki and Sujok in North and South America, Europe, and Asia. She loves writing and has authored Focus on Perspective.

 I am Connector. I established CoCreator Circle to share more widely the light shining in different circles, and bring together all I’ve encountered in my journey as teachers, students, colleagues, friends to showcase their work and to provide a platform for curated teachers, guides, coaches and mentors trained in their field to connect with one another and share their work with a larger audience.


CoCreator Circle offers regular meetings of meditation, healing and instruction in holistic living. Many of our meetings are online, so they are open to people all over the world. Presenters are from different streams: life coaches, yoga teachers, Sujok therapists, meditation teachers, Reiki healers, and the like.

cocreate compassion

A program that offers wellness and healing to people who may not have easy access to wellness providers.

Our idea is to make it completely free of cost to the receivers. Are you a provider, a donor, a receiver?

If you are a service provider, please fill the form

Donations received at events of CoCreator Circle help seva.org to bring sight to those who need free eye care.